
Built to Maximize Your Return

Our goal is to meet your investment needs and make your property perform to its highest revenue potential. We also understand that every client’s property is different and the circumstance that got you involved with this investment may differ. Over the last couple of decades in real estate and property management, CFI Real Estate Investments has developed a system that works for all investors and maximizes the income potential of your property.

Investment Management

CFI Real Estate Investments investment goal is to use selective development and redevelopment of single/multi-family properties to generate attractive returns with little to no risk on behalf of our individual and institutional partners.

Construction Management

With dedication and pride, our renovations and repair team will work diligently to plan, coordinate, budget and supervise any size job. CFI Real Estate Investments works directly with our long time independent contractors who produce quality work year after year. After meeting to discuss your budget and property goals, we will solicit scope reviews and negotiate proposals. To minimize any concerns with new projects quality inspections of all work is completed after each phase of the project and prior to invoice approval.


CFI Real Estate Investments/ SF Real Estate Advisors is a full service real estate company. We buy  and sell homes throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area.

Property Management

Our highly devoted team of skilled professionals manage apartment complexes, residential homes, condominium units, and shopping centers.  We manage properties for a wide variety of investors and strive to provide them with customized services to exceed each investor’s expectations. Some of our services include:

  • Tenant Procurement
  • Maintenance Services
  • Property Preservation
  • Investment Consultation
  • Property Valuations
  • Eviction Services
  • Sales and Marketing


Marketing your home is our top priority! CFI Real Estate Investments Leasing Specialists and Customer Care Representatives work quickly and efficiently gain exposure in less time than our top competitors.  With the help of  dedicated staff members, we will quickly place your investment property on our strategically placed bill boards and in real estate advertizing magazines. Additionally we  provide front lawn signage and internet exposure including multiple listing websites to notify all qualified agents and prospective tenants of the new listing.  Our Agent will be placed on site for an open house to accommodate prospective tenants’ request to view your home. On average it takes as little as 15 days to find and place the perfect tenant for you!


There are several steps to placing a family in your rental property. Our goal is to bridge the gap and soothe any headaches associated with placing a family in your rental property. Our experienced leasing specialists will:

  • Interview prospective tenant
  • Review each application
  • Conduct a credit check
  • Conduct criminal background check
  • Communicate our findings with the owner

After approval, each lease is created with care to provide tenants and owners a clear understanding of the agreed upon leasing terms.